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See 全球十大赌博靠谱平台 for important information on the climate-related content on this website.


是什么让TC能源成为长期增长的坚实投资? 我们行之有效的策略, 多元化优质资产, 股息增长, 财务实力和财务纪律.


For more than 70 years we’ve delivered on our commitment to meet the ever-increasing demand for energy in a safe and sustainable manner. We’ve provided significant value to our shareholders with a 11% average annual return since 2000 and increased our dividend in each year since.

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Our financial position remains strong with a solid balance sheet and numerous levers available to fund growth.

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TC Energy operates three complementary energy infrastructure businesses across three geographies in North America.


总统领导 & 首席执行官弗朗索瓦·普瓦里耶,我们非常尊敬他 行政领导团队 以及成千上万受鼓舞的员工, we’re well positioned to navigate an ever-evolving energy and business environment to achieve our goals.



Since 2000, we have grown our asset base from $25 billion to over $100 billion. 同时,我们提高了年度股息,从0美元.每股80美元至3美元.84 per share in 2024 (based on most recent declared quarterly dividend). Our portfolio of complementary infrastructure assets and $31 billion of secured growth projects are expected to support annual 股息增长 of 3 to 5 per cent.



随着我们每条业务线的持续增长, we expect to continue to grow our business for decades to come, 为我们的投资者提供不断增长的回报.



信用评级 are intended to provide investors with an independent measure of credit quality of an issue of securities. 信用评级不是购买的建议, hold or sell securities and do not address the market quality or suitability of a specific security for a particular investor. These are assigned by credit rating agencies such as Moody's, 标准 & 普尔,惠誉和DBRS. While TC Energy Corporation has a credit rating it is not an issuer of debt securities. Debt securities are held at 横加管道有限公司 or subsidiary companies.


  标准 & 可怜的 穆迪投资者服务公司 惠誉 DBRS
高级无担保 BBB + 给予Baa2 BBB + BBB(高)
趋势/评级前景 稳定的 稳定的 稳定的前景